Urban Retreat @ Ashtanga Yoga Berlin

Price for Yoga Retreat

0,00 200,00 

Social Pricing

I believe that yoga should be accessible to all enthusiasts. I believe those who do care work, engage for good purposes or simply have had bad luck don’t deserve to be excluded from life. Therefore I invite you to adjust the price according to your personal situation. 

If you have a regular job, please pay a bit more than the average if possible. You may most likely be more able to support others financially than myself. 

Let’s be fair to each other! Please don’t simply try to save on my retreat for being able to fly around the planet or for other workshops.

The accommodation price is to be paid to the seminar house separately. If you need support with affording accommodation as well, please contact me. If you would like to sponsor someone in need, please contact us, as well.


Ashtanga Urban Retreat

This is a retreat at our main Shala in Berlin. If you need a place to stay in Berlin please contact us. You can either stay in the Shala or we can help you find a private accommodation via our ayb telegram community.

Understand and Practice the meaning Yoga

There is no trace of evidence that a mere and rather blind repetition of practices have yogic results in the long run.
Only deep knowledge about the meaning of Yoga you can distinguish harmful results from meaningful progress on your path