Ashtanga Yoga Berlin - Retreat and Teacher Intensive by Ashtanga Yoga Berlin

Ashtanga Yoga Retreats with Grischa

Advanced Ashtanga for All!

ashtanga retreats | Purvottanasana assist @ Ashtanga Teacher Intensive Retreat - Adjustment TrainingYoga begins with your desire to make a fundamental shift in your life. Yoga is not about what you practice. It is about how you practice. Inside. Only your intention, mindset, and the wisdom of the scriptures can transform whatever you do into a valid practice of Yoga. 

Grischa will go through all components of the traditional method of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and teaches how to do practice them in a safe and intelligent way. You will overcome the root causes of dozens of typical or even existing injuries. But more importantly, you will learn how mere physical exercises can be transformed into authentic practices according to the sacred texts of Yoga. 

Trust (shraddha) is very important in Yoga. Without trust, your mind will not be open for transformation. Yogic trust is invaluable. Don’t give it away to wishful thinking, marketing phrases, commercial products, schools, certificates or “traditions”. You must learn how to find an authentic teacher.

The purpose of Grischas retreats is not to just give you yet another opinion on what Yoga is. You will learn how the scriptures of Yoga are constructed to sharpen your intellect and to give you orientation in the jungle. Studying them is the master practice that makes all your other practices fruitful and effective. You will learn how to gain trust in your own educated decisions and recognize the rare guides who are only interested in “spiritual” development and do not care for your money or applause. Such wisdom is the true guru, your own teacher and that of others.

True Yoga enthusiasts are rare and invaluable. It’s an honor to share experience with you and to learn from you, too. Let’s make Yoga a blessing to the world again, a common good, just like water and air. Let’s use it as a framework for overcoming the human disease of selfishness and greed. Let’s inspire each other how we can reduce social and ecological suffering in our world even if it seems impossible.

True Yoga is free and we cannot afford pay walls that in Yoga. Please contribute whatever you can, even if that’s nothing.

If you have questions about the retreat contents or location simply call @ Ashtanga Yoga Berlin: +49.30.48496665

About Grischa

Grischa has been teaching traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga since 2001. He opened Berlin’s first Ashtanga Shala “Aṣṭāṅga Yoga Berlin” in 2004. His main teacher was Richard Freeman. Read more…

Grischa Steffin from Ashtanga Yoga Berlin

Grischa has been teaching Ashtanga Mysore Style since 2001. The principles taught in his retreats are the result of a continuous analysis, refinement and improvement process.

His teaching is guided by the goals of Yoga as described in the classical scriptures such as the Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita and other texts. Samadhi is the key tool to Yoga. It arises from selfless service (ishvara pranidhana) only, never from a hedonistic, selfish lifestyle.

In 2019 Grischa founded the “Yogis for Climate Justice” movement. 

Upcoming Ashtanga Retreats

Mon, 9. June - 
Sun, 15. June
@ Holzmannstett (Bavaria, Germany)
SPECIAL: This retreat is in German! Take your Ashtanga practice beyond with alignment workshops, philosophy and Sanskrit studies. Dive deeply into Grischa’s magic ingredients for a transformative Mysore practice, pranayama and meditation. In addition this is a very special opportunity for studying one of the most inspiring texts on Yoga that exists, the famous Bhagavad Gita!
Mon, 18. August - 
Sun, 24. August
@ Breitenteicher Mühle
No matter your experience level, you’ll discover the transformative power of daily pranayama, Mysore-style practice, meditation, alignment workshops, and studies in philosophy and Sanskrit. Asana combined with a touch of pranayama alone doesn’t encompass the full scope of Yoga. This deep dive into the essence of Ashtanga and yoga as a whole will take you far beyond what you could ever learn on the beaten paths.

Retreat Modules
