Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a brilliant method. But only if we make it brilliant by practicing it with wisdom and guidance from the yogic scriptures!
How many series’ of postures do we need until we realize that Yoga does not arise from asana practice? As long as practitioners remain stuck in yogic kindergarten, it’s boring for me as a teacher, too!
In just a week you will learn more about asana and pranayama than you can can possibly think of. Let’s get over the mechanical part and begin with Yoga!
Have you ever been told not to ask questions or that the authoritative knowledge from the scriptures is just “theory”? Ouch!
Curiosity, openness and inquiry are the key qualification of a real practitioner of Yoga. Do not blindly follow anyone. They might be even blinder than yourself!
Yoga is the science of mental transformation and the key yogic scriptures define the method and our tradition (Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita). Consequently, the duty of a teacher is to serve the practitioner by answering all questions about them. Have you done your homework as a teacher? Well, it’s never too late to become serious with Yoga. Join now!
True Yoga enthusiasts are rare and invaluable. It’s an honor to explore the magic of Yoga with you. Let’s make Yoga a blessing to the world again, a common good, just like water and air. Let’s use it as a framework for overcoming the human disease of selfishness and greed. Let’s inspire each other how we can reduce social and ecological suffering in our world even if it seems impossible.
If you have questions about the retreat contents, the teacher, payment, locations etc. simply call @ Ashtanga Yoga Berlin: +49.30.48496665
Grischa has been teaching traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga since 2001. He opened Berlin’s first Ashtanga Shala “Aṣṭāṅga Yoga Berlin” in 2004. His main teacher was Richard Freeman. Read more…
The principles taught in his retreats are the result of a continuous analysis, refinement and improvement process.
His teaching is guided by the goals of Yoga as described in the classical scriptures such as the Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita and other texts. Samadhi is the key tool to Yoga. It arises from selfless service (ishvara pranidhana) only, never from a hedonistic, selfish lifestyle.
In 2019 Grischa founded the “Yogis for Climate Justice” movement. He is also working on re-establishing Yoga as a non-profit social movement that it was until just a few decades ago when capitalists took over.
Please contact if you an enthusiast who wants to make a difference!