Ashtanga Yoga Berlin - Retreat and Teacher Intensive by Ashtanga Yoga Berlin

Ashtanga Yoga Retreats with Grischa

Advanced Ashtanga for All!

ashtanga retreats | Purvottanasana assist @ Ashtanga Teacher Intensive Retreat - Adjustment TrainingGrischa’s Ashtanga retreats are for those rare Yoga enthusiasts who are bored by Yoga as a physical practice and the selfish, profit-oriented lifestyle associated to it. 

You are a Yoga practitioner, if you have an inner sense of right and wrong, a strong desire to overcome selfish behavior, a desire to make the world a better place. Yoga begins by making a vow, a dedication to a better version of oneself. 

If this resonates within you, I invite you to re-examine all practices in the light of the authentic scriptures of Yoga and even the meaning of Yoga itself.

True Yoga enthusiasts are rare and invaluable. It’s an honor to share experience with you and to learn from each other. Let’s make Yoga a blessing to the world again, a common good, just like water and air. Let’s use it as a framework for overcoming the human disease of selfishness and greed. Let’s inspire each other how we can reduce social and ecological suffering in our world even if it seems impossible.

Yoga is very easy as long as we are determined to end the rule of ego and narcissism. We simply take responsibility for your own actions and end the bad ones. There is no Yoga as long as we stick to desires, the Yogi has no doubt about it, says the Gita.

Community is crucial. Let’s critically reflect, support and nurture each other. No effort can be wasted on that path. That’s the brilliance of the teachings. Whatever we do with such a mindset is Yoga, may it happen in the field of daily life, physical exercises, breath, contemplation or samadhi. Whatever is not based in such intention is not Yoga, no matter how long you hold your breath or sit still.

True Yoga is free and we cannot afford pay walls in Yoga. You only contribute what you can, even if that’s nothing.

All this sounds strange? Can all be wrong about “modern” Yoga? Well, most people keep buying junk food, artificial crap designed to exploit human weaknesses for profit maximization.

The question is simply if you are “most” people or dare to be not.

If you have questions about the retreat contents or location simply call @ Ashtanga Yoga Berlin: +49.30.48496665

About Grischa

Grischa has been teaching traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga since 2001. He opened Berlin’s first Ashtanga Shala “Aṣṭāṅga Yoga Berlin” in 2004. His main teacher was Richard Freeman. Read more…

Grischa Steffin from Ashtanga Yoga Berlin

Grischa has been teaching Ashtanga Mysore Style since 2001. The principles taught in his retreats are the result of a continuous analysis, refinement and improvement process.

His teaching is guided by the goals of Yoga as described in the classical scriptures such as the Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita and other texts. Samadhi is the key tool to Yoga. It arises from selfless service (ishvara pranidhana) only, never from a hedonistic, selfish lifestyle.

In 2019 Grischa founded the “Yogis for Climate Justice” movement. 

Upcoming Ashtanga Retreats

Mon, 24. June - 
Sun, 30. June
@ Breitenteicher Mühle
Experience the magic of daily pranayama, Mysore style and Meditation practice. Take your Ashtanga practice beyond with alignment workshops, philosophy and Sanskrit studies with the “full ashtanga intensive” program. Or take it easy and relax or work a little with the “ashtanga holidays” package.

Retreat Modules
