Ashtanga Adjustment Training – TTC

The patterns of good (asana) teaching.

You will see how Grischa's whole teaching approach is based on a deep understanding of the meaning of Yoga practice in general as taught in the ancient scriptures. His Mysore Style teaching approach that is based on decades of inquiry into the purpose and goals of the practice. Ashtanga Yoga uses an intense physical approach, therefore we will be looking at different adjustments / assists for key poses of the primary and intermediate series that transmit this understanding. It's a pattern-based approach that allows you to customize your teaching on the fly for each single student. In this training you will have time to practice a few interesting assists. More importantly you will learn the alignment blueprints of good practice. That allows you to invent specific adjustments for practically every single pose and for any possible type of student - including yourself.

Intelligent assists educate the student

With intelligent assists all students can be guided into practically every pose if the teacher understands the underlying physiology and psychology that create restrictions. Poses are in fact constructed for revealing problematic patterns of posture and movement. As long as there are obstacles to good practice, there is no point in "pushing" a student. The forces rather need to be re-directed and reduced for proper results according to Yoga Sutra (verse II.47). Good adjustments are educating the student rather than fixing his or her external form from the outside.

Forceful adjustments cause injuries

Thousands of practitioners got injured by the "pushy" mindset of too many teachers. It's a shame because there is nothing more stupid than using force. Force is fighting against the body rather than assisting the student to solve the interesting "problems" every pose presents to them. Forceful adjustments always have negative impacts for both student and teacher. The difference feels like magic!

Stellen Sie sich vor, das gesamte Spektrum der Bildung wäre von Sportlehrern übernommen worden, die das Turnen für das einzig Sinnvolle erklärten, was es zu lernen gäbe. Das ist es, was sie gut können, all das andere Zeug ist zu schwierig, also ist es nur Theorie, oder? Willkommen im „modernen“ Yoga. Unwissenheit oder Engstirnigkeit sind keine Zeichen guter Praxis oder Lehre.

Alle Komponenten der Yogapraxis brauchen einander. Der Zweck von Asana besteht darin, eine stabile Grundlage für die Steuerung des Nervensystems und der Sinne zu schaffen. Kontrollierte Sinne ermöglichen es Dir, den Geist zu konzentrieren. Nur ein konzentrierter Geist kann kultiviert werden. Hier fängt Yoga an.

Die wichtigste Eigenschaft aller Praktiken ist die Einhaltung eines ethischen Systems, immer und ausnahmslos. Dies soll das „große yogische Gelübde“ (mahavratam) sein, wie es in den Schriften des Yoga heißt. Egoistische, narzisstische, gierige oder missbräuchliche Lehrerpersönlichkeiten deuten auf das völlige Fehlen von Yoga hin. Instagram.

Das wichtigste Instrument für Schüler und Lehrer ist das gesamte Spektrum der Bildung. Machen wir unsere Hausaufgaben, damit wir keine Zeit mit Oberflächlichkeiten verschwenden.

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