Ashtanga Yoga Book (Primary Series Workbook)

This ashtanga yoga book (primary series) is designed to be a supporting tool on your personal ashtanga vinyasa path towards Yoga. It provides a compact introduction to the key principles of Grischa’s methodological approach for a meaningful practice in the context of the bigger picture of Yoga. The names of all postures of the primary series postures have accurately been transliterated and translated from the original Sanskrit.

The book also provides you with a place for systematically taking notes about meaningful discoveries, questions or lessons learnt on your individual path. We must always keep in mind that whatever we think about Yoga is unlikely to be near it’s true meaning, especially if we believe to have a lot of knowledge about it. Allow transformation to happen, always remain unattached to your “achievements”. Continuously re-evaluate what you are doing and why you are doing it – instead of just imitating what someone told you once upon a time. Become aware of the changes that your body, your inner awareness and your attitude towards yourself go through. This is the yogic path. There is not much to be achieved apart from that.

Ashtanga Yoga Book - Primary Series Asana Book


Upcoming Intensives in 2023

Mon, 9. June -Β 
Sun, 15. June
@ Holzmannstett (Bavaria, Germany)
SPECIAL: This retreat is in German! Take your Ashtanga practice beyond with alignment workshops, philosophy and Sanskrit studies. Dive deeply into Grischa’s magic ingredients for a transformative Mysore practice, pranayama and meditation. In addition this is a very special opportunity for studying one of the most inspiring texts on Yoga that exists, the famous Bhagavad Gita!
Sun, 27. July -Β 
Sun, 3. August
@ Gutshaus Großschânfeld (Mecklenburg, Germany)
Finally a place that everyone can afford, room and board starting at €315 for 4bed, Yoga tuition flexible as usual. Find the most advanced, no nonsense teachings you can find in a Mysore room as well as pranayama and meditation. Bonus: There is a lake inviting for a swim between the sessions just 100m from the house!