Ashtanga Yoga Retreat June 2025 near Munich (in German)

Monday, 9. June - Sunday, 15. June
@ Holzmannstett (Bavaria, Germany)


Grischa's Ashtanga Retreat 2025 in German, 9-15 June near Munich

Beschreibung auf Deutsch

This 7 days intensive retreat is all about understanding a different level of practice in Ashtanga and Yoga in general. You will learn how to refine your technique, to integrate and deepen more yogic tools such as pranayama and meditation.Β  But the true meaning is to connect your practice it to the yogic wisdom of the ancient scriptures, to awaken your inner teacher.Β  This makes such a difference - you can't even imagine until you experience it.Β 

Yoga cannot prosper in capitalism, the culture of selfishness and greed. We try to make a difference. You can choose any price you feel comfortable with. Wealthy practitioners are encouraged to give more. This way practitioners with lower income can also participate and we can pay our bills, too. The sliding scale starts at 0€ for people without income or other financial resources. Don't worry, all enthusiasts are invited by heart. A culture of generosity is a gain beyond any amount of money.

Yoga Philosophy Special: Yoga Sutra and beyond

In this retreat Grischa introduces Yoga Sutra as a central thread of all practical and theoretical questions regarding Yoga. We will also look at other central scriptures of Yoga, how they relate to each other and how they relate to your yogic path!

Detailed Information

Yoga for all - inclusive pricing ("pay what you can")

The "orientation price" for all Yoga sessions is 700, 700, 700, 700, 700€ (almost 40+ hours of teaching with Grischa). This is for people with a "normal" income.

Anyhow, on the next page you will find a price slider that allows you to adjust the price according to your personal financial situation from as low as 0€ up to 1400€.

Low income, activist, care worker, artist, single parent? Pay whatever you can. We are not asking for any proof, but please do not simply redirect your discount to other treats such as air travel, other teachers etc. Low budget means low budget.

Higher income? Please pay more if you can. I am extremely dependent on the income from my two annual retreats.

Questions? +49.30.48496665

Accommodation & full board

The prices below include three vegan/vegetarian meals per day, paid directly to the seminar house. Please contact me if you cannot afford accommodation. We can try to find funding for you. 

2 bed + 546 €
2 bed with private bath + 612 €
single + 648 €
single with private bath + 708 €


This retreat is in German

Employee in Germany? Get paid extra vacation for this training. Call for info: +49.30.48496665

For practitioners

This retreat is open for all practitioners with prior Mysore Style experience. The deep understanding of breath, bandhas and good alignment taught in this training will transform every single asana and your whole practice. You will understand the root causes of all major difficulties and injuries in Yoga practice and how to overcome them with ease. Learn how to make mulabandha the true teacher from within.

Learn how to experience real pranayama, the raw experience of the pranic layer of experience beyond fumbling on the nose or holding the breath!

For teachers

Inspiration makes all the difference! The only true Ashtanga teacher training, the only real authorization to teach is to understand Yoga within yourself based on the wisdom of the scriptures and to share it with empathy and skill. Experience the only meaning of asana,Β  pranayama, the scriptures and meditation. Theories mean nothing! Helping everyone from the beginner to the most advanced practitioner safely and precisely comes naturally only from personal experience based on a a systematic set of principles. Integrating and improving the patterns in your own practice and teaching will make you a unique and outstanding teacher. Or have you ever liked receiving copy-paste adjustments from anyone?

Get authorized by knowledge and wisdom!

6:30 pranayma
7:30 mysore style
9:30 breakfast
10:00 ashtanga alignment intensive
12:00 yoga sutra
13:30 lunch
16:00 yoga sutra
17:00 ashtanga alignment intensive
18:30 dinner
20:00 sanskrit and meditation

Arrival day:

12:00 (lunch)

13:00-18:00 Introduction Sessions

18:00 Dinner

Departure day end: after breakfast (ca. 10:00).


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Holzmannstett (Bavaria, Germany)

The Ashtanga Retreat Venue Holzmannstett is a wonderful seminar house near Munich.Β 

It was Italian builders who constructed the impressive Hof Holzmannstett estate around 150 years ago. After extensive renovations, a seminar house was finally opened here in the year 2000. It is situated in a stunning secluded location on a 10,000 square meter property between Grafing and Wasserburg am Inn (50 kilometers east of Munich).

Getting there: From Munich to Grafing, from Grafing with a shared cab (12 minutes, ~10 € per person). We will coordinate arrival with a Telegram group. There will be two main options:

a) regional train at 8:41 from Munich, arriving in Grafing at 9:03

b) regional train at 9:41 from Munich, arriving in Grafing at 10:03

Teaching begins around 10:30 - 10:45.

Early arrival

We currently check if early arrival on Sunday is possible. Contact us for more details.


Every day starts with one hour of pranayama. Unfold a deeper understanding of the subtle qualities of prana and the nervous system day by day. Rather than blindly repeating exercises, we will trace down the the effects of pranayama in order to make the breath long and subtle, to transcend the qualities of inhaling, exhaling and holding and finally to “remove the covering of light” as described in the Yoga Sutra. Experience the mental transformation process which turns exercising the breath into a yogic practice!Β 

The daily Mysore Style class is the one-on-one time, in which you learn how to link all movement in your body and nervous system to a deeply focused quality of breath. You will also understand how to apply the technical details of the asana workshop sessions in your own practice. And of course Grischa will help you to overcome individual challenges or obstacles in your practice, to get rid of given injuries and to avoid the root causes of future ones.Β 

Asana is widely misunderstand as a stretching and strengthening program. Nothing could be further from the nature and goals of Yoga practice.
We will see how asana practice is transformed into a valuable component of the Yogic path. You will understand a completely different layer of the famous “bandhas” and how to use them for revealing your inner teacher in every single pose you can think of. You will understand the deep patterns of posture rather than external techniques.

Yoga can not arise from gymnastics, sanskrit names and numbers, or wishful thinking theories about Yoga. We must learn to understand Yoga from the perspective of those who invented it thousands of years ago.Β 
Only lazy people try to avoid the ancient texts and want to believe they are only theoretical.
Would you really prefer uneducated teachers over educated ones? Better educated yourself to make sure!

Ashtanga Retreat Video


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Retreat and Teacher Training Impressions